Isithende..heel in English, because of the stylish football that they play, similar to Brazilian soccer and general umjiko or shoe shine and piano… Golden Arrows is called ‘Abafana Bes’thende’; similar to ‘ heel extension ‘, a nickname given to Amos Mkhari, an Orlando Pirates player in the 80’s because of his stylish way of playing…
I didn’t know that
Me too I think I know I know this words
Loll this name
I didn’t know that
Stunning move including players
The back heel boys👌
good like
Like your idea
Yess I know this name
Wow I’m learning a lot
I didn’t know this name but now l know it
Wow I didn’t even know this name means this but know I know and I’m glad
Mmm maybe I now these names
Even me
Isithende..heel in English, because of the stylish football that they play, similar to Brazilian soccer and general umjiko or shoe shine and piano… Golden Arrows is called ‘Abafana Bes’thende’; similar to ‘ heel extension ‘, a nickname given to Amos Mkhari, an Orlando Pirates player in the 80’s because of his stylish way of playing…