Sweat flavoured colourful popcorn.
These amakipkip(skopas) went to a private school. What’s Parrot Popcorn yanong??😤 — day-brainé (@_theonlytekknic) October 14, 2018
These amakipkip(skopas) went to a private school. What’s Parrot Popcorn yanong??😤
— day-brainé (@_theonlytekknic) October 14, 2018
We eat disco pops not diskopas
Ha as we call them dikipkip
At cape town we call them amakipkip but at limpopo we call them dogmoor
In East London we call them Amakipkip and at Durban we call them skopas
We called,amascopas
my mother loves kipkip she always sent ne to shop to buy them
Amsskopas 😘🤗
We call it amakipki at Durban but at Eastern Cape we call it amaskopas🍿🍿
I thought amakip kip is a t-shirt
Lenna joh😩
Monate kips
Also snacks 🤭🤭
At kasi we cal them amaskopas we luv skopas
In Durban we call them 🍿amakip kip
We call them Amakipkip
Disco pops but we usually call them diskopas
I love it ❤️
Nah we call them skopas
We call them dogmor
Amakipkip we called it like that 😋
I know as amakipkip
Nathi we call them skopas
Nah I don’t like amakipkip but we call it skopas in our kasi
Maja Ka thata
Either us darling 👌🌞
“Well It’s actually Disco pops not Diskopas”😂😂😂😂 that’s what my white English teacher use to tell me in high school
In Mam’s we say skopas
Yum yum
At home we call them amakipkip
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We eat disco pops not diskopas
Ha as we call them dikipkip
At cape town we call them amakipkip but at limpopo we call them dogmoor
In East London we call them Amakipkip and at Durban we call them skopas
We called,amascopas
my mother loves kipkip she always sent ne to shop to buy them
Amsskopas 😘🤗
We call it amakipki at Durban but at Eastern Cape we call it amaskopas🍿🍿
I thought amakip kip is a t-shirt
Lenna joh😩
Monate kips
Also snacks 🤭🤭
At kasi we cal them amaskopas we luv skopas
In Durban we call them 🍿amakip kip
We call them Amakipkip
Disco pops but we usually call them diskopas
I love it ❤️
Nah we call them skopas
We call them dogmor
Amakipkip we called it like that 😋
I know as amakipkip
Nathi we call them skopas
Nah I don’t like amakipkip but we call it skopas in our kasi
Maja Ka thata
Either us darling 👌🌞
“Well It’s actually Disco pops not Diskopas”😂😂😂😂 that’s what my white English teacher use to tell me in high school
In Mam’s we say skopas
Yum yum
At home we call them amakipkip