1. It is a form of greeting.
2. It is used for affirmation.
3. It is used to show gratitude.
“Awe my bruh”
awe ma’out .
Awe ntjaka🤜🤛
Ekse macala
Awe ouens 🤘🏼
Awe busted 👊
Izinto kao
Yizo lova🤘
Awe awe magrootmaan
Awe grootman
Awe njayam🤘🏾
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awe ma’out .
Awe ntjaka🤜🤛
Ekse macala
Awe ouens 🤘🏼
Awe busted 👊
Izinto kao
Yizo lova🤘
Awe awe magrootmaan
Awe grootman
Awe njayam🤘🏾