a slender women.
The concept behind the term is that a full-bodied woman’s size is comparable to a code 08 driver’s license, which permits the operation of light motor vehicles.
That girl is a code 8.
Slender sa ma catalogue slender never gets tired unless the owner is careless ❣️❤️
Code8 girl ngwana wago betha push up ka fase ga fridge 😅 😆 💖
Ska baiza joh cuff a code 8 girl o be wete, kere sona slender sa ma catalogue boswaka. 😻
Cuff a Code 8 girl obe wete, kere sona slender sa ma catalogue joh. 😻
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Slender sa ma catalogue slender never gets tired unless the owner is careless ❣️❤️
Code8 girl ngwana wago betha push up ka fase ga fridge 😅 😆 💖
Ska baiza joh cuff a code 8 girl o be wete, kere sona slender sa ma catalogue boswaka. 😻
Cuff a Code 8 girl obe wete, kere sona slender sa ma catalogue joh. 😻