Mzansi Taal



The word is rightfully a formal surname/clan name.

In general lingo it is a word used to refer to someone or something that is unable to perform to the expected standard. The usage of this word in this manner is offensive to anyone named Mabena.

The usage of the word in this fashion was popularised after a leaked video of a soldier called Mabena struggling to perform his drills in training went viral.

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  • Avumile Mabena says:

    This is an insult πŸ’”πŸ’”

  • Fadzie says:

    Mabena my foot…
    Mara why??
    Bathong 😢🀨

  • Massive superstar says:

    Reading and comprehension still a huge problem in this country yoh

  • Angelina says:

    Bathong mara

  • NotMabena says:

    So many Mabenas in the comments.

  • Khululani says:

    The definition of Mabena stated here is totally wrong and does not potray the actual meaning of the name. The word Mabena is a clan name, or in common language, it is a surname. The name was not developed because of the video about a soilder failing to perform. It simply happens that the man who is failing to perform is surnamed Mabena, not because he is failing to perform. The name is not given to him because of his failure, but it is his given name from birth.

    I would request the writer of the article, out of respect of our language and proper interpretation; to correct the misleading translation.

    • Freddy Mabena says:

      Who ever wrote this crap of an article πŸ‘† must erase it cause it’s disrespectful …..finish

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