To express disapproval or negativity towards something.
Miniete for a fast life. I like my life slow and stress free. Eks mos nie meer tutti fruitti nie😂😂😂 — Lady Peaceful💫 (@ChloeFortune12) October 12, 2021
Miniete for a fast life. I like my life slow and stress free. Eks mos nie meer tutti fruitti nie😂😂😂
— Lady Peaceful💫 (@ChloeFortune12) October 12, 2021
It’s colloquial Cape Flats slang for something negative, also can mean something along the lines of “Hell No” Eg: ‘Miniete for this load shedding’.
Thanks for the heads up Clinton.
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It’s colloquial Cape Flats slang for something negative, also can mean something along the lines of “Hell No” Eg: ‘Miniete for this load shedding’.
Thanks for the heads up Clinton.