Mzansi Taal

Rabobi or Rabubi


the black South African Spiderman

It is believed that the name was coined as a result of Spiderman episodes which where dubbed with African Languages. The name has stuck ever since.

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  • David Jones says:

    The legend of rabobi is older than that and it was no parody.

    In 1984ish there was only 1 channel on SATV. In the afternoons the fare was dire for kids coming home from school. It was at this time that the powers that be decided that black people could watch TV as well. So TV2 and TV3, transmitting in vernacular languages were born. There was not a lot of local content so they bought old shows from USA and dubbed them into Zulu Tswana etc.
    This included the comic Spiderman. Bored white teens would channel surf to theses station just to listen to the theme tune in a language few of them could understand.

    So the legend of rabobi was born.

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